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More than just a great cup of Joe

General Info November 29th 2019
More than just a great cup of Joe
Every great coffee shop experience starts with a great cup of coffee, but the coffee shop experience is about more than just top-quality coffee. While there are plenty of places that brew great coffee, not every coffee shop is able to create the ambience that makes customers want to linger while they enjoy their favourite brew.
So, what are the defining elements of a great coffee shop experience? What is the magic that separates the most successful coffee shop owners from their less successful peers?
A welcoming attitude - Every memorable coffee shop experience starts with a welcoming attitude. It begins when a new customer walks through the front door and immediately feels like part of the community.
That kind of welcoming attitude cannot be faked - it must come from a genuine love of people and the things they have to offer. Successful coffee shop owners work hard to create a sense of community, and it all starts with a warm welcome for both new faces and old friends.
Free Wi-Fi - Offering free Wi-Fi is a no-brainer for any coffee shop owner. People love to check their email, surf the web and conduct business over a cup of coffee, and the availability of free Wi-Fi means they can do so without using up their precious data limits.
The best coffee shops go beyond the basics when it comes to Wi-Fi service, building in robust security and encouraging customers to linger over their cups and check out the latest news. This investment in quality Wi-Fi can pay off big time, and it is often a differentiating factor in cities where corner coffee shops are a dime a dozen.
Comfortable seating areas - Whether they’re stopping by first thing in the morning, enjoying a casual lunch with co-workers or people watching in the evening, coffee drinkers love to linger. They love to watch the world go by from their cafe chair at the cafe table or counter, and they expect those seats to be comfortable.
Experienced coffee shop owners understand the importance of comfort, and they know the difference a variety of seating areas can make. They work hard to create a number of specialised seating areas, from comfy couches where couples can enjoy a romantic date to high tables where the authors of tomorrow can work on their latest masterpieces.
Privacy when you want it - These days the local coffee shop has become the new office. From telecommuters and entrepreneurs working on their newest projects to company executives holding off-site interviews, the local coffee shop is about more than just coffee.
Smart coffee shop owners understand this dynamic, and they create quiet cubbyholes where business owners can work in relative silence and would-be employees can impress their new bosses. That does not mean setting up separate rooms, but it does mean creating quiet spaces where privacy can be had.
Not every coffee shop experience is a great one, but the best business owners are working hard to make their customers feel like part of the family. Whether you’re a dedicated coffee fan or just a casual drinker, you know a great coffee shop when you see it - and once you find that coffee shop, you become a loyal customer.
If you want to create this experience for your customers, the best place to start is with your cafe furniture. Browse our website today to find the perfect coffee shop furniture to make your customers happy.

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