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Leisure Industry BOOM!!

General Info, News August 11th 2015

If you are visiting Café Reality, the chances are you work within the leisure industry and/or have an understanding of the Leisure sector and what it entails.

With that in mind, I thought it would be fitting to talk about the current state of the UK leisure industry and outline its importance to the UK’s economy growth.

A report has revealed that the Leisure industry in the UK has the potential to create up to 440,000 new jobs by 2020.

‘State of the UK Leisure Industry Report: A driver for economic growth’ compiled by Business in Sport and Leisure (BISL) and Oliver Wyman suggests that this growing sector could be a huge asset in combating unemployment. Outlining for the first time the size, scale and importance of the Leisure Industry to the UK economy, including its role as a large employer.

Things You May Not Know

· The Leisure Industry employs 2.6m people, accounting for 9% of jobs in the UK

· 21% (730,000) of 16-25 year olds are employed within the Leisure Industry

· The Leisure Industry generates £117bn of revenue a year

· Between 1998 and 2007 the Leisure Industry created 41,000 jobs PER YEAR!

· 2nd biggest employer in the UK behind Retail (3.0 million)

What is ‘the Leisure Industry’? Which industries does it consist of? To understand the industry and its importance to the UK economy, we first need to define it clearly. In fact, the Leisure Industry is comparable in size to the Retail and Transport industries, though this has often been unnoticed due to the lack of clear definition.

The ‘Leisure Industry’ provides services and products to consumers – business, families or individuals, domestic or foreign – to meet people’s demand for leisure opportunities, experiences and facilities, in particular for sport, culture, recreation, entertainment, eating and drinking, days and nights out, betting and gaming, and accommodation.

Simon Johnson, CEO of BISL said:

"This first of its kind report demonstrates the significant contribution the Leisure Industry makes to the UK economy. The Leisure Industry has a track record in creating not just jobs but also attractive careers for young people, for women, for people without qualifications and those who need flexible working conditions. With the right government support we believe the industry could create a further 440,000 jobs by 2020".

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