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St Moritz Hotel Dining

General Info July 14th 2020
St Moritz Hotel Dining
Covid-19 has changed the world as we know it. The way we interact with our friends, how we shop and how we commute. Social distancing rules will be with us for a very long time and this means that the hospitality industry has had to adapt and embrace these changes to survive.
One such establishment is the St Moritz hotel that is situated in picturesque north Cornwall. The hotel has created socially distanced dining experiences with the addition of an anti-social club. Below we explore how they have adapted their dining rooms to meet the new guidelines on social distancing as set out by the government and how this will offer customers a truly unique and enjoyable dining experience.
St Moritz Hotel Dining image 1Anti-social dining - The way we dine out has changed, but this doesn't mean that we can't dine with our friends. The St Moritz Anti-Social Club has found a way to provide a unique dining experience in a socially distanced way. The club dining space offers guests a completely private dining experience. There are 16 individual rooms that are completely private, with each room being able to seat between two and eight people in a self-contained unit. So, although you will be dining as a self-contained group, you will be surrounded by other diners.
Accessible dining space - The St Moritz hotel has also used the current situation to rework space and the way in which people can access space. The Sea Side cafe that is linked to the Club is able to offer lunch and casual dining to all customers. It is fully accessible because it's located outdoors. Customers can enjoy the manicured lawns and views of the pool, all while socially distancing.
What we can learn - The main lesson to learn from the changes that the St Moritz hotel has made is that you need to use your available space and adapt it to meet current social distancing requirements. Do you have any outdoor space that could be used as an additional dining space? Could you easily convert an unused outbuilding or other space as an anti-social dining experience? The hospitality industry now needs to get creative in order to survive.
Social distancing does pose many challanges for the hospitality industry and if you run a cafe or eatery then you may be struggling to work with your available space. Here at Cafe Reality, we can help you to design and furnish your dining space to comply with social distancing guidelines and makie it Covid-19 ready.
To learn more about how we can help you shape your space fplease do get in touch with us today.

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