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Creating a safe cafe

General Info June 8th 2021
Creating a safe cafe

The food and beverage industry has seen some dramatic changes during the pandemic. Luckily, the end is finally in sight and all cafes should be fully reopening their doors to excited customers and serving up delicious treats again. Despite the many hardships that Covid-19 has created, the pandemic has also taught us some valuable lessons about hygiene that we should take with us when things finally get back to normal again. Ensuring that your cafe maintains great hygiene post-pandemic will create a safer, more enjoyable environment for everyone.

As June 21 fast approaches continuing uncertanty remains within the hospilitality sector. Below we make some suggestions for dining furniture solutions which will compliment existing dining spaces in 2021 and beyond.

Laminate surfaces

First on your list, could be making sure that all surfaces are easy to clean. Our next day table tops are a good option for cafes. These surfaces are quick and easy to wipe down after use meaning that you can keep your cafe squeaky clean throughout the day.

Re-arrange your tables

Once you have purchased some easy-to-clean furniture, it might be a good idea to consider rearranging the cafe layout. If we’ve learned one thing from Covid-19, it is that bacteria is passed easily through the air. With this in mind, cafes should think about leaving more space in between tables so that customers are spread apart. Even as the pandemic settles, it is likely that people will still feel worried about the possibility of picking up another virus so spreading out tables will put customers at ease.

Use outdoor furniture

To make up for the seats lost by spreading tables apart, you could take inspiration from changes made during the pandemic and introduce outdoor furniture into your cafe. When Eat Out To Help Out was introduced into the summer, outdoor seating became very popular for customers who wanted to avoid enclosed spaces. Outdoor furniture is a great investment for any cafe that is planning to reopen post covid. The desire to avoid enclosed spaces will most likely remain and people will be drawn to places with outside seating.

Consider using booths

Another lesson learned is the effectiveness of seating booths. Booths create an isolated space for friends and family to sit in whilst enjoying their food and drink. This puts a barrier between customers which helps people to feel at ease when eating amongst strangers. Booths have been a popular option in restaurants for years and maybe now is the time that cafes should start implementing this seating style.

If your cafe is in need of some new furniture to make it a safe, welcoming environment for customers post-covid, why not check out our range of cafe furniture? All furniture sold here at Cafe Reality is high quality, durable and stylish. We have everything that you need to create the best post-covid cafe.

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