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A Happier Meal, Lovin’ It

General Info, News February 5th 2016

The global fast food chain McDonald’s has started to change the way they offer service at their restaurant branches. They have introduced a table service experience to revamp the type of hospitality their customers can expect to receive. In the UK, a trial has started in Manchester and these “trials” will be introduced to 11 other locations. The new system has already been implemented in France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria and the feedback that they have all received has been very positive. The UK is hoping to receive the same success.

“McDonald’s is wanting to modernise the image of the fast food restaurants in the face of competition from gourmet burger brands”

On entry, the customer uses a large screen to place their order, which is sent to the kitchen to process. The customer is then able to grab a table (stealing it from anyone queueing) and the food will be brought over. As the majority of the food is usually on a shelf ready to go, the waiter might even beat you to it if you don’t make it to the seat by the window quick enough!

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The main audience that the fast food chain is now trying to appeal to “young families and customers who would rather not queue at the traditional counters”… Although not mentioned, I am sure the young teenagers who like to hang about McDonald’s would appreciate having a waiter service whilst they drift around with nothing better to do (Ah, I miss those days).

Personally I am getting excited about McDonald’s offering table service as it might make taking people there for dates a little more acceptable. I am a classy type of guy, but I’m all about value for money, so this type of concept would be ideal! I will just have to take my own candle to create some ambience. Who said romance was dead?

Reaching out to their desired audience, the fast food restaurants have also introduced iPads and tablets on tables, for the younger children to play with while they wait for their food. Or in my case, my date can play on them when they realise how boring I really am. These restaurants are actually turning into an ideal setting for a date with me! Roll on Valentine’s Day!

The feedback received so far has shown that the new idea has been a great success:

“It is more comfortable, less stressful and actually faster”

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This is great! It is good to know that that the bigger “players” in the hospitality sector are listening to the consumer, taking feedback on board and making sure that we are still “lovin’ it”. I will definitely have to give this new system a try! I just need to find a lucky person to take with me. I will keep you all posted, of course!

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